City of Whiteville recently issued the following announcement.
According to a memo from Planning Director Robert Lewis to city council members the proposal originated from staff discussion and was meant to encourage more residential development downtown for single-family dwellings. It was staff’s opinion and recommendation to council to review and recommend removal of single-family dwellings as a conditional use in the B-1 zoning designation to encourage livability and development in the downtown area. A public hearing on the change was held before council took its action, but no public input was received.
In other business, council is expected to fill four vacant seats on the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, three of them two-year terms and one a one-year (high school student) term. Erin Thompson, Serena Smith and Jeff Walker have applied to be reappointed to additional two-year terms, and Josie Walker has applied for the one-year term.
Council also went into closed session to discuss the possible acquisition of real estate, but no action was taken during or after the closed session. A minor budget amendment was adopted after the closed session.
Whiteville Police officers check out with their 'Christmas Cops' purchases on Thursday at Walmart.
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